суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

florida ground in upland water

First OoB: Oh my goodness. The Writerapos;s Block question today asks who I trust more: Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart. Why is my life suddenly so focused on these two? Honestly, I was just innocently reading my book (Naked Pictures of Famous People, by Jon Stewart hisself) several times yesterday, and yet I found I could not do so without someone - anyone - coming up to me and schmoozing about Jon Stewart. Which I enjoyed. I mean, I can (and do)�schmooze about Jon Stewart as well as the next person (as well as, say... Stephen Colbert). But still. Iapos;m reminded of the essay we just read for Essay-Writing class, by Carl Jung: "On Synchroninity" (I may have spelled that wrong). BECAUSE THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. Like locusts, as Stephen would say (somewhere, Colline is angrily banging her upper body against her desk, muttering "get out of my head"). Now, generally I find Stephenapos;s program more enjoyable in terms of fluff and because some of the TDS correspondants can get a little grating and too "mean," but I have to say that I "trust" IJS (as I call him) more. Because heapos;s smart. Not that Dr Colbert isnapos;t, but there is a veritable SLEW of YouTube videos out there of him saying very true and intelligent and inspiring things. Heapos;s awesome. I just find it odd that I have virtually done nothing today besides watch videos of his, and I log on to LJ and LO AND BEHOLD, there he is again. Iapos;m not complaining, though.

Second OoB: Today is Me to We Day YAY. I wore my Me to We shirt, and though I was thwarted in my attempts to watch the proceedings (CTV was NOT broadcasting it as they promised they would be: instead they were showing some lame movie about baseball, and the live internet streaming wasnapos;t loading, either). Most disappointing. I really wanted to see Michael Chikwanine, who is my facebook friend but who I have not actually ever listened to, and I am told he is quite the thing to listen to. Also I did not see my future husband, which made me sad :(

However, I compensated by going door-to-door on four floors of my res with Mallory collecting donations for the upcoming Zulu walk, to raise money for humanitarian aid (primarily in refugee camps) in Northern Uganda. Seriously, we only did a few floors, mainly just pocket change, and we got over $70 Made me happy.

Third OoB:
I was going to do a meme here. But I filled out 2/3 of it and realised it was a boring one. So there is no 3rd OoB.

Lastly, my exam schedule is now up: our exam period goes from the 4th to the 22nd of December, which is just about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, because why should it take me three weeks to write 5 exams? But this is not the crazy. No, the crazy is that I have one essay on the 8th, and my last one is at 10:00 pm on a Sunday evening. Which Sunday evening? SUNDAY THE 21ST OF DECEMBER. That is so full of suckage I can barely type. ARGH. I wanted to go home so I could work and not be poor I may have a week where I can go home, but thatapos;s probably a waste of money so I might just go to the Big T.O. To visit some friends for a few days and then come back and see if I can get a holiday job at Chapters or something.

PS Has anyone else noticed that the new kind of LJ cuts are whacked? Why can I not just paste everything in one grey box like before? I am CONFUSED, el-jay.
PPS There werenapos;t actually any tacos in this post. I just have a yen for them.

FLIST Tell me all your favourite comedians/comedies. Whatapos;s the funniest movie youapos;ve ever seen? The book that you got the weirdest looks from strangers while reading because you kept laughing out loud on the subway? The comedian who made you laugh so hard you peed yourself a little? TELL ME FUNNY PEOPLE.

florida ground in upland water, florida ground law stand, florida ground skink, florida ground transportation.

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