воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

first air jordans

I just made this account to have a place to write when I need to. Because writing a diary on MySpace only gets people to beg you to tell them whatapos;s inside.

This has been the worst week ever. My girlfriend Emily has been acting so strange for the last week. Once I told her jokingly that I didnapos;t think I knew her anymore. She said "Probably." "Are you joking?" "No, not really at all." What was I supposed to think? She eventually told me that she was kidding. I didnapos;t believe her. I asked her if she still wanted to runaway. Weapos;d always talked like this, and sheapos;d always say Yes. Weapos;d always talk about running away to San Francisco, where we would start a poor but romantic life together. This time she said "No, Iapos;m pretty content. " She admitted after this extremely awkward conversation on the phone that she has been confused lately.�I asked "About us?" She said "A little." I said�"About you and someone else?" She said "No." But she had mentioned that her ex boyfriend Matt had asked her out to lunch recently. She said itapos;d be wrong for her to go, but that itapos;d be nice to "catch�up." I�told her that I trust her, and that if she had to do it then she could. Of course I didnapos;t really feel comfortable with it, but I DO�trust her and Iapos;m not the smothering type of boyfriend. I donapos;t have any reason to assume that anythingapos;s going on, but I had a gut feeling. Iapos;ve always been intimidated by Matt. Even when Iapos;m driving by somewhere that Iapos;d seen the 2 of them in photos together. I just get this awful feeling that someday, theyapos;ll get back together.

Emily doesnapos;t really like to talk about important things. She gets emotional and chokes up and says nothing. Complete silence. Youapos;d almost think that she was mute. Friday night I was supposed to stay with her in her dorm. She told me that I should go stay with a friend, her mom was coming in the morning. It seemed odd that sheapos;d ask me to leave, especially since we only see each other twice a week or so. Before I left, I decided that we had to talk about it. I mean, things were different. Everything was different. It felt like something was missing. She treated me differently, strangely. She looked at me different, with less love and more guilt. When I held her, it felt like she was clinging onto me. Clinging on to our relationship and everything weapos;ve had together for the last 16 months. So I asked her,�"Emily, whatapos;s wrong? We need to talk about this or we canapos;t fix it." She said "Nothing." Bullshit. I kept asking and asking, no answer. Finally I got a little more agressive. "We HAVE�TO�TALK�ABOUT�THIS EMILY." Itapos;s true. If we didnapos;t, how would anything get resolved? She wouldnapos;t say anything.�I hugged her and said "I love you" she said she loved me back. I left. It felt wrong. I got to the elevator, hoping that sheapos;d run out and stop me and tell me what sheapos;s been confused about. We would embrace and everything would end up fine. Thatapos;s what would happen in a perfect world. I walked all the way to my car. I texted her, called her, left her a message. She finally sent one that said "I know I have a problem."�I said "I canapos;t leave like this. Iapos;m coming back." I went back up and started the same old thing. I laid down with her, it felt strange still. How could she say nothing? This was live or die. Eventually I left again, feeling empty.

Saturday, yesterday, I texted her, she was avoiding my questions. I told her that it was dumb. That nothing was going to get better if we didnapos;t talk.

Now Iapos;ve been guilty of talking to other girls, I can even admit that Iapos;ve flirted with other girls. But Iapos;ve never hung out with them, never cheated, never would, never could. She read my texts once, she found out. I�apologized and apologized and assured her that nothing was going on, that I had made a dumb mistake and that was all. She didnapos;t talk then either.

When she replied back, she said "A lot of my insecurities about you flirting with other girls and whatnot come from relationship problems of my own."�I said�"What do you mean?" She said "Lately Iapos;ve been having feelings out of nowhere." I said�"About other guys?"�She said�"About Matt." Her ex. Now Iapos;ve been having a miserable week. Iapos;ve felt empty and worthless and unwanted. Iapos;d thought about the possibility that sheapos;d cheated on me, or that she was falling out of love. Well she hasnapos;t hung out with him, but sheapos;s got these feelings. I was extremely calm, very very sad, but calm. I donapos;t know why.�I was trying to be reasonable and fair and understanding. She told me she didnapos;t know how I was handling it so well. I knew that I wouldnapos;t handle it well later, but this might as well be comfortable. I told her that I canapos;t fix this, that this was beyond my control. And it is. If I had done something wrong, I could make sure that I worked harder to make it work, but she canapos;t help her feelings and I canapos;t either. If sheapos;s fallen out of love with me, how can I been in love back?�I am, I really am still in love with her, but if the feeling isnapos;t mutual, it can only fade away. I told her that sheapos;d be happier, heapos;d probably enroll at ISU, heapos;s there all the time anyway. I was trying to make it easy for her to leave me. She said that she didnapos;t want this to end. I believed her. I�still do. I donapos;t want it to end either, but sheapos;s going to keep acting different as long as she has those feelings. And what if those feelings never go away? What if her feelings for him are stronger than her feelings for me? I said�"I�donapos;t want it to end either, but these feelings arenapos;t going to go away."�She said "They can." "What if they donapos;t? Do you want them to?" We kept talking like this. I was crying. She said she had to go to bed. I asked her if we were still together. She said "If you want to." I said�"Emily, Iapos;m still in love with you. This is your choice to make." She said "Yes"�I told her that I hoped she that made her as happy as it made me.�She said good night, I said�"Does it feel wrong to say I�love you?"�She said�"No, I love you Nathan."�I told her the same. It didnapos;t feel true though. It felt like she loved everything weapos;ve had, but that itapos;s gone now.

Iapos;m convinced that this is unsalvageable. That we cannot fix this. That sheapos;s thinking only of him, and hoping that it changes. I donapos;t think itapos;s going to change. Iapos;m sitting her, feeling like weapos;re half together. Like Iapos;m sitting here waiting for her to choose who she wants to be with. And I know that Iapos;m the loser in this matchup.

I can admit, Iapos;ve had feelings for Robin too. Sheapos;s even suspected it. But they were never so strong that I treated Emily different. I even started talking to Robin quite a bit, we even hung out. We took a walk together, into the woods, alone. It was dark. We were both having a good time. I wanted to kiss her. I didnapos;t. Like I said, I canapos;t cheat, I wouldnapos;t want to. I was tempted but I overcame it. In the end I wanted Emily more. I only wish that Emily could handle this like me.

I know that this is going to end soon. If she doesnapos;t, Iapos;ll have to, I�canapos;t keep wondering whatapos;s going to happen. Iapos;m going to be heartbroken.�Iapos;m going to be straight depressed. Iapos;m already sick of this routine. Go to school, go to work. I donapos;t have many friends here at home. I donapos;t know what Iapos;ll do to keep my mind off of it. This is my longest relationship. This is my most meaningful relationship. Iapos;ve learned the most with this relationship. I know that everywhere I go, Iapos;m going to think of her. I�know everytime I turn on the radio, Iapos;m going to hear something that she loves. All of the gifts, the photos. Even stupid shit like changing my Facebook status. I�know Iapos;m going to stare at the screen for half an hour before I get the heart to change it. Itapos;s so dumb, but itapos;s the truth.

I always thought that itapos;d be better to end something like this peacefully. With a lot of understanding and maturity. Now I think that a violent and hateful ending might be better. Because at least then Iapos;d have my pride. But now, to be left for someone else?�I feel worthless, lower than low. As if Iapos;m diseased and noone will want me anymore. Iapos;ll have no confidence, no pride, no drive, no motivation, no fun, no happiness. My life will go dark, and all of the color and good things out there will just be sucked out of the world.

drawing looney tune, first air jordans, first air conditioners, first air conditioner invented, first air conditioner.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cullowhee map

Sorry to me little miss Spam a lot, but Iapos;m so excited.� The brillant jasonsnene started a Xander community, which is going to be open to any Xander pairing.� And any form of xander.� Which I�would love to see more of, because Xander is in fact made of awesome.� The only thing that is a bit scary, is I agreed to mod, even though I donapos;t really know what it entails to mod at an LJ comm.� Mostly I love Xander, and Iapos;d do anything for nene, so I volunteered.� Oh, by the way, the name of the comm is ultimate_xander, its not ready yet, but its going to be awesome
cullowhee map, cullowhee maple, cullowhee nc, cullowhee nc 28723.

communication styles in the workplace

Comment and I will...
a) Tell you why I friended you.

b) Associate you with something -- a fandom, song, color, photo, etc.

c) Tell you something I like about you.

d) Tell you a memory I have of you.

e) Ask you something Iapos;ve wanted to know about you.

f) Tell you my favorite userpic from your list.

g) In return, you need to post this on your own livejournal.

(g, of course, is optional.)

As to real life... Should be doing dishes and laundry, but I am instead killing time online :p ah well. XD
communication styles in the workplace, communication styles between men and women, communication styles, communication style verbal.

florida ground in upland water

First OoB: Oh my goodness. The Writerapos;s Block question today asks who I trust more: Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart. Why is my life suddenly so focused on these two? Honestly, I was just innocently reading my book (Naked Pictures of Famous People, by Jon Stewart hisself) several times yesterday, and yet I found I could not do so without someone - anyone - coming up to me and schmoozing about Jon Stewart. Which I enjoyed. I mean, I can (and do)�schmooze about Jon Stewart as well as the next person (as well as, say... Stephen Colbert). But still. Iapos;m reminded of the essay we just read for Essay-Writing class, by Carl Jung: "On Synchroninity" (I may have spelled that wrong). BECAUSE THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. Like locusts, as Stephen would say (somewhere, Colline is angrily banging her upper body against her desk, muttering "get out of my head"). Now, generally I find Stephenapos;s program more enjoyable in terms of fluff and because some of the TDS correspondants can get a little grating and too "mean," but I have to say that I "trust" IJS (as I call him) more. Because heapos;s smart. Not that Dr Colbert isnapos;t, but there is a veritable SLEW of YouTube videos out there of him saying very true and intelligent and inspiring things. Heapos;s awesome. I just find it odd that I have virtually done nothing today besides watch videos of his, and I log on to LJ and LO AND BEHOLD, there he is again. Iapos;m not complaining, though.

Second OoB: Today is Me to We Day YAY. I wore my Me to We shirt, and though I was thwarted in my attempts to watch the proceedings (CTV was NOT broadcasting it as they promised they would be: instead they were showing some lame movie about baseball, and the live internet streaming wasnapos;t loading, either). Most disappointing. I really wanted to see Michael Chikwanine, who is my facebook friend but who I have not actually ever listened to, and I am told he is quite the thing to listen to. Also I did not see my future husband, which made me sad :(

However, I compensated by going door-to-door on four floors of my res with Mallory collecting donations for the upcoming Zulu walk, to raise money for humanitarian aid (primarily in refugee camps) in Northern Uganda. Seriously, we only did a few floors, mainly just pocket change, and we got over $70 Made me happy.

Third OoB:
I was going to do a meme here. But I filled out 2/3 of it and realised it was a boring one. So there is no 3rd OoB.

Lastly, my exam schedule is now up: our exam period goes from the 4th to the 22nd of December, which is just about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, because why should it take me three weeks to write 5 exams? But this is not the crazy. No, the crazy is that I have one essay on the 8th, and my last one is at 10:00 pm on a Sunday evening. Which Sunday evening? SUNDAY THE 21ST OF DECEMBER. That is so full of suckage I can barely type. ARGH. I wanted to go home so I could work and not be poor I may have a week where I can go home, but thatapos;s probably a waste of money so I might just go to the Big T.O. To visit some friends for a few days and then come back and see if I can get a holiday job at Chapters or something.

PS Has anyone else noticed that the new kind of LJ cuts are whacked? Why can I not just paste everything in one grey box like before? I am CONFUSED, el-jay.
PPS There werenapos;t actually any tacos in this post. I just have a yen for them.

FLIST Tell me all your favourite comedians/comedies. Whatapos;s the funniest movie youapos;ve ever seen? The book that you got the weirdest looks from strangers while reading because you kept laughing out loud on the subway? The comedian who made you laugh so hard you peed yourself a little? TELL ME FUNNY PEOPLE.

florida ground in upland water, florida ground law stand, florida ground skink, florida ground transportation.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cyber pet game

I�began my Masters program in Jan 2006, with the idea that "it canapos;t be too difficult and too far off from final year project, right?" Wrong.� I�spent one whole�year in wilderness, clearing my modules and fine-tuning my research topic, but still way too far off from what I�was about to embark in.�

The second year started with a frenzy of experiments but without direction.� I�was a chicken that lost its head, losing much blood, sweat and time.� I�could only gather scattered results that did not mean much and without any continuity.� The self-imposed two year candidature loomed near and I�could really feel the stress.

But in the space of 7 months, things began to fall into place and starting to make sense.� I�knew what I�was doing, what I�had to do, and how I�should go about doing it.� The discipline and lessons learnt where valuable, and stretched far beyond mere research and knowledge.� I�began to appreciate what post-graduate research really is, and also realised research is not my forte nor interest.� Despite encouragements from friends who persuaded me to further pursue a phD, I�fully knew where my limitations were.�

So, many presentations, experiments and thesis writing later, I�submitted my thesis draft today.� My application to convert to a part-time student was approved by my supervisor and pending approval from the department head.� It means I�can now leave school to start work and wait for thesis review and editing before submitting it for examination.

It certainly is a milestone and I�did not expect to feel this way as I�worked towards this day.� The relief and joyis probably proportional to the intensity and difficulty of this whole affair.� It spells the end of my educational journey and the only way is to�step forward - hopefully courageously - into the working world.�

But for now, it is truly a moment to savour.� And I�thank those who have been so encouraging and concerned for me throughout this period.� You have, in your own way, edged me further with your words and pats and prayers.� Thank you all and God bless

conduit industrial installing, cyber pet game, cyber pet downloads, cyber pet download, cyber pet adoptions.

feminist view of the family

English 9-A Extended: Finish reading Ch. 2 of TKAM, find two dyn or dyna rooted words, bring to class on Monday.

English 9-A: Continue reading TKAM, past the beginning of the trial, Ch. 17-18

AP Lang. And Comp.: Finish reading "Aria: Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood" by Richard Rodriguez for Monday

feminist view of the family, feminist view, feminist utopias, feminist thoughts.